A new member joins our adventuring party…
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that Stupid Ranger and I are expecting our first child! We’re 9 1/2 weeks along and everything is going just great. Stupid Ranger is dealing with the wiles of the first trimester quite well, exhibiting normal levels of nausea and fatigue but she continues to be in very good spirits all the same.
For awhile today, I was envisioning writing up a fantasy story where a truly great and powerful wizard got severely level-drained and reduced to an embryonic state, but I kept getting too distracted while looking at the sonogram picture to write anything of real entertainment value.
Instead, to commemorate the occasion I have done my duty as Dungeon Master and created a character sheet for our progeny. I hope you all enjoy it, back to the regularly scheduled programming!
Congratulations! I would, however, suggest that you consider the possibility that you might be bringing a Pathfinder character into the world, or (gasp!) a Baby: the Birthing angsty WOD-child. You never know…
I’m so happy for you guys! DIBS ON BABYSITTING
Congrats guys!! This will be the nerdiest baby ever. 🙂
Congratulations! and awesome character sheet too