+5 Whiteboard of Excellence…
2010 August 17
It is my custom to leave an “Out of Office” note on my whiteboard before leaving on vacation. This time, I left a message indicating my out of office dates and a drawing of a d20 (on crit, naturally). I also implored my office to “feel free to write something nerdy up here in my absence” expecting to get a random Star Wars quote or something to chuckle about upon my return. Instead, my initial request was erased and replaced by… well… THIS.
As you can see, I work with a bunch of hyper-nerds. My favorite: “For Sale: Unicorn, 5000 GP or Trade for Pictures of J. Alba”.
How I love my coworkers!
That’s just full of Awesome!
I might get,might,…… “Where’s the TPS reports?”